dynaconf package


dynaconf.base module

class dynaconf.base.LazySettings(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: dynaconf.utils.functional.LazyObject

When you do:

>>> from dynaconf import settings

a LazySettings is imported and is initialized with only default_settings.

Then when you first access a value, this will be set up and loaders will be executes looking for default config files or the file defined in SETTINGS_FILE_FOR_DYNACONF variable:


Or when you call:

>>> settings.configure(settings_module='/tmp/settings.py')

You can define in your settings module a list of loaders to get values from different stores. By default it will try environment variables starting with ENVVAR_PREFIX_FOR_DYNACONF (by defaulf DYNACONF_)

You can also import this directly and customize it. in a file proj/conf.py:

>>> from dynaconf import LazySettings
>>> config = LazySettings(ENV_FOR_DYNACONF='PROJ',
...                       LOADERS_FOR_DYNACONF=[
...                             'dynaconf.loaders.env_loader',
...                             'dynaconf.loaders.redis_loader'
...                       ])

save common values in a settings file:

$ echo "SERVER_IP = ''" > proj/settings.py

or use .toml|.yaml|.ini|.json

save sensitive values in .secrets.{py|toml|yaml|ini|json} or export as DYNACONF global environment variable:

$ export DYNACONF_SERVER_PASSWD='super_secret'

>>> # from proj.conf import config
>>> print config.SERVER_IP
>>> print config.SERVER_PASSWD

and now it reads all variables starting with DYNACONF_ from envvars and all values in a hash called DYNACONF_PROJ in redis

configure(settings_module=None, **kwargs)[source]

Allows user to reconfigure settings object passing a new settings module or separated kwargs

  • settings_module – defines the setttings file
  • kwargs – override default settings

If wrapped is configured

class dynaconf.base.Settings(settings_module=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Common logic for settings whether set by a module or by the user.


Partial method for get with bool cast

as_dict(env=None, internal=False)[source]

Returns a dictionary with set key and values.

  • env – Str env name, default self.current_env DEVELOPMENT
  • internal – bool - should include dynaconf internal vars?

Partial method for get with float cast


Partial method for get with int cast


Partial method for get with json cast

clean(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Clean all loaded values to reload when switching envs


Return the current active env


Return the current active env

dynaconf_banner = '\n██████╗ ██╗ ██╗███╗ ██╗ █████╗ ██████╗ ██████╗ ███╗ ██╗███████╗\n██╔══██╗╚██╗ ██╔╝████╗ ██║██╔══██╗██╔════╝██╔═══██╗████╗ ██║██╔════╝\n██║ ██║ ╚████╔╝ ██╔██╗ ██║███████║██║ ██║ ██║██╔██╗ ██║█████╗\n██║ ██║ ╚██╔╝ ██║╚██╗██║██╔══██║██║ ██║ ██║██║╚██╗██║██╔══╝\n██████╔╝ ██║ ██║ ╚████║██║ ██║╚██████╗╚██████╔╝██║ ╚████║██║\n╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═══╝╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═══╝╚═╝\n'
execute_loaders(env=None, silent=None, key=None, filename=None)[source]

Execute all internal and registered loaders

  • env – The environment to load
  • silent – If loading erros is silenced
  • key – if provided load a single key
  • filename – optional custom filename to load
exists(key, fresh=False)[source]

Check if key exists

  • key – the name of setting variable
  • fresh – if key should be taken from source direclty



Return True if env variable is exported

find_file(*args, **kwargs)[source]
flag(key, env=None)[source]

Feature flagging system write flags to redis $ dynaconf write redis -s DASHBOARD=1 -e premiumuser meaning: Any premium user has DASHBOARD feature enabled

In your program do:

# premium user has access to dashboard?
>>> if settings.flag('dashboard', 'premiumuser'):
...     activate_dashboard()

The value is ensured to be loaded fresh from redis server

It also works with file settings but the recommended is redis as the data can be loaded once it is updated.

  • key – The flag name
  • env – The env to look for

this context manager force the load of a key direct from the store:

$ export DYNACONF_VALUE='Original'
>>> from dynaconf import settings
>>> print settings.VALUE
$ export DYNACONF_VALUE='Changed Value'
>>> print settings.VALUE  # will not be reloaded from env vars
>>> with settings.fresh(): # inside this context all is reloaded
...    print settings.VALUE
'Changed Value'

an alternative is using settings.get_fresh(key)

from_env(env, keep=False, **kwargs)[source]

Return a new isolated settings object pointing to specified env.

Example of settings.toml:

message = 'This is in dev'
message = 'this is in other env'


>>> from dynaconf import settings
>>> print(settings.MESSAGE)
'This is in dev'
>>> print(settings.from_env('other').MESSAGE)
'This is in other env'
# The existing settings object remains the same.
>>> print(settings.MESSAGE)
'This is in dev'
env {str} – Env to load (development, production, custom)
Keyword Arguments:
keep {bool} – Keep pre-existing values (default: {False}) kwargs {dict} – Passed directly to new instance.
get(key, default=None, cast=None, fresh=False, dotted_lookup=True, parent=None)[source]

Get a value from settings store, this is the prefered way to access:

>>> from dynaconf import settings
>>> settings.get('KEY')
  • key – The name of the setting value, will always be upper case
  • default – In case of not found it will be returned
  • cast – Should cast in to @int, @float, @bool or @json ?
  • fresh – Should reload from loaders store before access?
  • dotted_lookup – Should perform dotted-path lookup?
  • parent – Is there a pre-loaded parent in a nested data?

The value if found, default or None

get_environ(key, default=None, cast=None)[source]

Get value from environment variable using os.environ.get

  • key – The name of the setting value, will always be upper case
  • default – In case of not found it will be returned
  • cast – Should cast in to @int, @float, @bool or @json ? or cast must be true to use cast inference

The value if found, default or None

get_fresh(key, default=None, cast=None)[source]

This is a shortcut to get(key, fresh=True). always reload from loaders store before getting the var.

  • key – The name of the setting value, will always be upper case
  • default – In case of not found it will be returned
  • cast – Should cast in to @int, @float, @bool or @json ?

The value if found, default or None


Redirects to store object

load_extra_yaml(env, silent, key)[source]

This is deprecated, kept for compat

Deprecated since version 1.0.0: Use multiple settings or INCLUDES_FOR_DYNACONF files instead.

load_file(path=None, env=None, silent=True, key=None)[source]

Programmatically load files from path.

  • path – A single filename or a file list
  • env – Which env to load from file (default current_env)
  • silent – Should raise errors?
  • key – Load a single key?
load_includes(env, silent, key)[source]

Do we have any nested includes we need to process?


Gets the internal mapping of LOADER -> values


Get or create internal loaded envs list


Get or create internal loaded envs list


Return available loaders


Get or create inner logger

namespace(env=None, clean=True, silent=True, filename=None)

Used to interactively change the env Example of settings.toml:

message = 'This is in dev'
message = 'this is in other env'


>>> from dynaconf import settings
>>> print settings.MESSAGE
'This is in dev'
>>> with settings.using_env('OTHER'):
...    print settings.MESSAGE
'this is in other env'
  • env – Upper case name of env without any _
  • clean – If preloaded vars should be cleaned
  • silent – Silence errors
  • filename – Custom filename to load (optional)



Path containing _root_path

populate_obj(obj, keys=None, ignore=None)[source]

Given the obj populate it using self.store items.

  • obj – An object to be populated, a class instance.
  • keys – A list of keys to be included.
  • ignore – A list of keys to be excluded.
pre_load(env, silent, key)[source]

Do we have any file to pre-load before main settings file?

reload(env=None, silent=None)[source]

Clean end Execute all loaders

set(key, value, loader_identifier=None, tomlfy=False, dotted_lookup=True, is_secret=False, merge=False)[source]

Set a value storing references for the loader

  • key – The key to store
  • value – The value to store
  • loader_identifier – Optional loader name e.g: toml, yaml etc.
  • tomlfy – Bool define if value is parsed by toml (defaults False)
  • is_secret – Bool define if secret values is hidden on logs.
  • merge – Bool define if existing nested data will be merged.
setenv(env=None, clean=True, silent=True, filename=None)[source]

Used to interactively change the env Example of settings.toml:

message = 'This is in dev'
message = 'this is in other env'


>>> from dynaconf import settings
>>> print settings.MESSAGE
'This is in dev'
>>> with settings.using_env('OTHER'):
...    print settings.MESSAGE
'this is in other env'
  • env – Upper case name of env without any _
  • clean – If preloaded vars should be cleaned
  • silent – Silence errors
  • filename – Custom filename to load (optional)







Gets internal storage

to_dict(env=None, internal=False)

Returns a dictionary with set key and values.

  • env – Str env name, default self.current_env DEVELOPMENT
  • internal – bool - should include dynaconf internal vars?
unset(key, force=False)[source]

Unset on all references

  • key – The key to be unset
  • force – Bypass default checks and force unset
unset_all(keys, force=False)[source]

Unset based on a list of keys

  • keys – a list of keys
  • force – Bypass default checks and force unset
update(data=None, loader_identifier=None, tomlfy=False, is_secret=False, merge=False, **kwargs)[source]

Update values in the current settings object without saving in stores:

>>> from dynaconf import settings
>>> print settings.NAME
>>> settings.update({'NAME': 'John'}, other_value=1)
>>> print settings.NAME
>>> print settings.OTHER_VALUE
  • data – Data to be updated
  • loader_identifier – Only to be used by custom loaders
  • tomlfy – Bool define if value is parsed by toml (defaults False)
  • merge – Bool define if existing nested data will be merged.
  • kwargs – extra values to update


using_env(env, clean=True, silent=True, filename=None)[source]

This context manager allows the contextual use of a different env Example of settings.toml:

message = 'This is in dev'
message = 'this is in other env'


>>> from dynaconf import settings
>>> print settings.MESSAGE
'This is in dev'
>>> with settings.using_env('OTHER'):
...    print settings.MESSAGE
'this is in other env'
  • env – Upper case name of env without any _
  • clean – If preloaded vars should be cleaned
  • silent – Silence errors
  • filename – Custom filename to load (optional)


using_namespace(env, clean=True, silent=True, filename=None)

This context manager allows the contextual use of a different env Example of settings.toml:

message = 'This is in dev'
message = 'this is in other env'


>>> from dynaconf import settings
>>> print settings.MESSAGE
'This is in dev'
>>> with settings.using_env('OTHER'):
...    print settings.MESSAGE
'this is in other env'
  • env – Upper case name of env without any _
  • clean – If preloaded vars should be cleaned
  • silent – Silence errors
  • filename – Custom filename to load (optional)



Gets or creates validator wrapper


Redirects to store object

dynaconf.cli module


Import settings instance from python dotted path.

Last item in dotted path must be settings instace.

Example: import_settings(‘path.to.settings’)

dynaconf.cli.open_docs(ctx, param, value)[source]
dynaconf.cli.print_version(ctx, param, value)[source]
dynaconf.cli.read_file_in_root_directory(*names, **kwargs)[source]

Read a file on root dir.


Pick correct settings instance and set it to a global variable.

dynaconf.cli.show_banner(ctx, param, value)[source]

Shows dynaconf awesome banner


Splits values like foo=bar=zaz in {‘foo’: ‘bar=zaz’}

dynaconf.default_settings module

dynaconf.default_settings.get(key, default=None)[source]
dynaconf.default_settings.reload(*args, **kwargs)[source]
dynaconf.default_settings.start_dotenv(obj=None, root_path=None)[source]
dynaconf.default_settings.try_renamed(key, value, older_key, current_key)[source]

dynaconf.constants module

dynaconf.test_settings module

dynaconf.validator module

exception dynaconf.validator.ValidationError[source]

Bases: Exception

class dynaconf.validator.Validator(*names, must_exist=None, condition=None, when=None, env=None, messages=None, **operations)[source]

Bases: object

Validators are conditions attached to settings variables names or patterns:

Validator('MESSAGE', must_exist=True, eq='Hello World')

The above ensure MESSAGE is available in default env and is equal to ‘Hello World’

names are a one (or more) names or patterns:

Validator(r'^NAME', r'OTHER./*')

The operations are:

eq: value == other
ne: value != other
gt: value > other
lt: value < other
gte: value >= other
lte: value <= other
is_type_of: isinstance(value, type)
is_in:  value in sequence
is_not_in: value not in sequence
identity: value is other

env is which env to be checked, can be a list or default is used.

when holds a validator and its return decides if validator runs or not:

Validator('NAME', must_exist=True, when=Validator('OTHER', eq=2))
# NAME is required only if OTHER eq to 2
# When the very first thing to be performed when passed.
# if no env is passed to `when` it is inherited

must_exist is exists requirement. (executed after when):


condition is a callable to be executed and return boolean:

Validator('NAME', condition=lambda x: x == 1)
# it is executed before operations.
default_messages = mappingproxy({'must_exist_true': '{name} is required in env {env}', 'must_exist_false': '{name} cannot exists in env {env}', 'condition': '{name} invalid for {function}({value}) in env {env}', 'operations': '{name} must {operation} {op_value} but it is {value} in env {env}'})

Raise ValidationError if invalid

class dynaconf.validator.ValidatorList(settings, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: list


dynaconf.validator_conditions module

Implement basic assertions to be used in assertion action

dynaconf.validator_conditions.eq(value, other)[source]


dynaconf.validator_conditions.gt(value, other)[source]

Greater than

dynaconf.validator_conditions.gte(value, other)[source]

Greater than or equal

dynaconf.validator_conditions.identity(value, other)[source]

Identity check using ID

dynaconf.validator_conditions.is_in(value, other)[source]


dynaconf.validator_conditions.is_not_in(value, other)[source]


dynaconf.validator_conditions.is_type_of(value, other)[source]

Type check

dynaconf.validator_conditions.lt(value, other)[source]

Lower than

dynaconf.validator_conditions.lte(value, other)[source]

Lower than or equal

dynaconf.validator_conditions.ne(value, other)[source]

Not equal

Module contents

class dynaconf.LazySettings(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: dynaconf.utils.functional.LazyObject

When you do:

>>> from dynaconf import settings

a LazySettings is imported and is initialized with only default_settings.

Then when you first access a value, this will be set up and loaders will be executes looking for default config files or the file defined in SETTINGS_FILE_FOR_DYNACONF variable:


Or when you call:

>>> settings.configure(settings_module='/tmp/settings.py')

You can define in your settings module a list of loaders to get values from different stores. By default it will try environment variables starting with ENVVAR_PREFIX_FOR_DYNACONF (by defaulf DYNACONF_)

You can also import this directly and customize it. in a file proj/conf.py:

>>> from dynaconf import LazySettings
>>> config = LazySettings(ENV_FOR_DYNACONF='PROJ',
...                       LOADERS_FOR_DYNACONF=[
...                             'dynaconf.loaders.env_loader',
...                             'dynaconf.loaders.redis_loader'
...                       ])

save common values in a settings file:

$ echo "SERVER_IP = ''" > proj/settings.py

or use .toml|.yaml|.ini|.json

save sensitive values in .secrets.{py|toml|yaml|ini|json} or export as DYNACONF global environment variable:

$ export DYNACONF_SERVER_PASSWD='super_secret'

>>> # from proj.conf import config
>>> print config.SERVER_IP
>>> print config.SERVER_PASSWD

and now it reads all variables starting with DYNACONF_ from envvars and all values in a hash called DYNACONF_PROJ in redis

configure(settings_module=None, **kwargs)[source]

Allows user to reconfigure settings object passing a new settings module or separated kwargs

  • settings_module – defines the setttings file
  • kwargs – override default settings

If wrapped is configured

class dynaconf.Validator(*names, must_exist=None, condition=None, when=None, env=None, messages=None, **operations)[source]

Bases: object

Validators are conditions attached to settings variables names or patterns:

Validator('MESSAGE', must_exist=True, eq='Hello World')

The above ensure MESSAGE is available in default env and is equal to ‘Hello World’

names are a one (or more) names or patterns:

Validator(r'^NAME', r'OTHER./*')

The operations are:

eq: value == other
ne: value != other
gt: value > other
lt: value < other
gte: value >= other
lte: value <= other
is_type_of: isinstance(value, type)
is_in:  value in sequence
is_not_in: value not in sequence
identity: value is other

env is which env to be checked, can be a list or default is used.

when holds a validator and its return decides if validator runs or not:

Validator('NAME', must_exist=True, when=Validator('OTHER', eq=2))
# NAME is required only if OTHER eq to 2
# When the very first thing to be performed when passed.
# if no env is passed to `when` it is inherited

must_exist is exists requirement. (executed after when):


condition is a callable to be executed and return boolean:

Validator('NAME', condition=lambda x: x == 1)
# it is executed before operations.
default_messages = mappingproxy({'must_exist_true': '{name} is required in env {env}', 'must_exist_false': '{name} cannot exists in env {env}', 'condition': '{name} invalid for {function}({value}) in env {env}', 'operations': '{name} must {operation} {op_value} but it is {value} in env {env}'})

Raise ValidationError if invalid

class dynaconf.FlaskDynaconf(app=None, instance_relative_config=False, dynaconf_instance=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

The arguments are. app = The created app dynaconf_args = Extra args to be passed to Dynaconf (validator for example)

All other values are stored as config vars specially:

ENVVAR_PREFIX_FOR_DYNACONF = env prefix for your envvars to be loaded
                        if you set to `MYSITE` then
                        export MYSITE_SQL_PORT='@int 5445'

                    with that exported to env you access using:
                        # get is case insensitive

                    Dynaconf uses `@int, @bool, @float, @json` to cast
                    env vars

SETTINGS_FILE_FOR_DYNACONF = The name of the module or file to use as
                            default to load settings. If nothing is
                            passed it will be `settings.*` or value
                            found in `ENVVAR_FOR_DYNACONF`
                            Dynaconf supports
                            .py, .yml, .toml, ini, json
ATTENTION: Take a look at settings.yml and .secrets.yml to know the
required settings format.

Settings load order in Dynaconf:

  • Load all defaults and Flask defaults
  • Load all passed variables when applying FlaskDynaconf
  • Update with data in settings files
  • Update with data in environment vars ENVVAR_FOR_DYNACONF_

TOML files are very useful to have envd settings, lets say, production and development.

You can also achieve the same using multiple .py files naming as settings.py, production_settings.py and development_settings.py (see examples/validator)


app = Flask(__name__)
    EXTRA_VALUE='You can add aditional config vars here'

Take a look at examples/flask in Dynaconf repository

init_app(app, **kwargs)[source]

kwargs holds initial dynaconf configuration

exception dynaconf.ValidationError[source]

Bases: Exception

dynaconf.DjangoDynaconf(django_settings_module_name=None, **kwargs)