
Dynaconf allows the validation of settings parameters, in some cases you may want to validate the settings before starting the program.

Lets say you have settings.toml

version = "1.0.0"
age = 35
name = "Bruno"

PROJECT = "This is not hello_world"

Validating in Python programatically

At any point of your program you can do:

from dynaconf import settings, Validator

# Register validators
    # Ensure some parameters exists (are required)
    Validator('VERSION', 'AGE', 'NAME', must_exist=True),

    # Ensure some password cannot exist
    Validator('PASSWORD', must_exist=False),

    # Ensure some parameter mets a condition
    # conditions: (eq, ne, lt, gt, lte, gte, identity, is_type_of, is_in, is_not_in)
    Validator('AGE', lte=30, gte=10),

    # validate a value is eq in specific env
    Validator('PROJECT', eq='hello_world', env='production'),

# Fire the validator

The above will raise dynaconf.validators.ValidationError("AGE must be lte=30 but it is 35 in env DEVELOPMENT") and dynaconf.validators.ValidationError("PROJECT must be eq='hello_world' but it is 'This is not hello_world' in env PRODUCTION")

You can also use dot-delimited paths for registering validators on nested structures:

from dynaconf import settings, Validator

# Register validators

    # Ensure the field exists.
    Validator('DATABASE.HOST', must_exist=True),

    # Make the database.password field optional. This is a default behavior.
    Validator('DATABASE.PASSWORD', must_exist=None),

# Fire the validator

CLI and dynaconf_validators.toml

NEW in 1.0.1

Starting on version 1.0.1 it is possible to define validators in TOML file called dynaconf_validators.toml placed in the same fodler as your settings files.

dynaconf_validators.toml equivalent to program above


version = {must_exist=true}
name = {must_exist=true}
password = {must_exist=false}

# dot notation is also supported
'a_big_dict.nested_1.nested_2.nested_3.nested_4' = {must_exist=true, eq=1}

  must_exist = true
  lte = 30
  gte = 10

project = {eq="hello_world"}

Then to fire the validation use:

$ dynaconf validate

This returns code 0 (success) if validation is ok.