External storages

An external storage is needed in some programs for scenarios like:

  1. Having a single storage for settings and distribute across multiple instances
  2. The need to change settings on the fly without redeploying or restarting the app (see Feature Flags)
  3. Storing sensitive values in a safe sealed Vault


  1. Run a Redis server installed or via docker:
$ docker run -d -p 6379:6379 redis
  1. Install support for redis in dynaconf
$ pip install dynaconf[redis]
  1. In your .env file or in exported environment variables define:

You can now write variables direct in to a redis hash named DYNACONF_< env > for example:

  • DYNACONF_DEFAULT: default values
  • DYNACONF_DEVELOPMENT: loaded only when ENV_FOR_DYNACONF=development (default)
  • DYNACONF_PRODUCTION: loaded only when ENV_FOR_DYNACONF=production
  • DYNACONF_CUSTOM: loaded only when ENV_FOR_DYNACONF=custom

You can also use the redis writer

$ dynaconf write redis -v name=Bruno -v database=localhost -v port=1234

The above data will be recorded in redis as a hash:

    PORT='@int 1234'

If you want to write to specific env pass the -e option.

$ dynaconf write redis -v name=Bruno -v database=localhost -v port=1234 -e production

The above data will be recorded in redis as a hash:

    PORT='@int 1234'

Then to access that values you can set export ENV_FOR_DYNACONF=production or directly via settings.from_env('production').NAME

if you want to skip type casting, write as string intead of PORT=1234 use PORT=”’1234’”.

Data is read from redis and another loaders only once when dynaconf.settings is first accessed or when from_env, .setenv() or using_env() are invoked.

You can access the fresh value using settings.get_fresh(key)

There is also the fresh context manager

from dynaconf import settings

print(settings.FOO)  # this data was loaded once on import

with settings.fresh():
    print(settings.FOO)  # this data is being freshly reloaded from source

print(settings.get('FOO', fresh=True))  # this data is being freshly reloaded from source

And you can also force some variables to be fresh setting in your setting file


or using env vars



from dynaconf import settings

print(settings.FOO)         # This data was loaded once on import

print(settings.MYSQL_HOST)  # This data is being read from redis imediatelly!

Using Hashicorp Vault to store secrets

Read more in Using Vault Server section

Custom Storages

Do you want to store settings in other databases like NoSQL, Relational Databases or other services?

Please see how to extend dynaconf to add your custom loaders.