Sensitive secrets

Using .secrets files

To safely store sensitive data Dynaconf also searches for a .secrets.{toml|py|json|ini|yaml} file to look for data like tokens and passwords.

example .secrets.toml:

password = "sek@987342$"

The secrets file supports all the environment definitions supported in the settings file.

IMPORTANT: The reason to use a .secrets.* file is the ability to omit this file when committing to the repository so a recommended .gitignore should include .secrets.* line.

Using Vault server

The is a key:value store for secrets and Dynaconf can load variables from a Vault secret.

  1. Run a vault server

Run a Vault server installed or via docker:

$ docker run -d -e 'VAULT_DEV_ROOT_TOKEN_ID=myroot' -p 8200:8200 vault
  1. Install support for vault in dynaconf
$ pip install dynaconf[vault]
  1. In your .env file or in exported environment variables define:

Now you can have keys like PASSWORD and TOKEN defined in the vault and dynaconf will read it.

To write a new secret you can use http://localhost:8200 web admin and write keys under the /secret/dynaconf/< env > secret database.

You can also use the Dynaconf writer via console:

# writes {'password': 123456} to secret/dynaconf/default
$ dynaconf write vault -s password=123456  

# writes {'password': 123456, 'username': 'admin'} to secret/dynaconf/default
$ dynaconf write vault -s password=123456 -s username=admin

# writes {'password': 555555} to secret/dynaconf/development
$ dynaconf write vault -s password=555555  -e development

# writes {'password': 777777, 'username': 'admin'} to secret/dynaconf/production
$ dynaconf write vault -s password=777777 -s username=produser -e production

then you can access values normally in your program

from dynaconf import settings

settings.PASSWORD == 555555  # if ENV_FOR_DYNACONF is the default `development`
settings.USERNAME == 'admin'  # if ENV_FOR_DYNACONF is the default `development`

settings.PASSWORD == 777777  # if ENV_FOR_DYNACONF is `production`
settings.USERNAME == 'produser'  # if ENV_FOR_DYNACONF is `production`

You can also ask settings to be loaded from specific env with from_env method:

settings.from_env('production').PASSWORD == 777777
settings.from_env('production').USERNAME == 'produser'

Additional secrets file (for CI, jenkins etc.)

It is common to have an extra secrets file that is available only when running on specific CI environment like Jenkins, usually there will be an environment variable pointing to the file.

On Jenkins it is done on job settings by exporting the secrets information.

Dynaconf can handle this via SECRETS_FOR_DYNACONF environment variable.


export SECRETS_FOR_DYNACONF=/path/to/secrets.toml{json|py|ini|yaml}

If that variable exists in your environment then Dynaconf will also load it.