Source code for dynaconf.validator

from types import MappingProxyType

from dynaconf import validator_conditions  # noqa

[docs]class ValidationError(Exception): pass
[docs]class Validator(object): """Validators are conditions attached to settings variables names or patterns:: Validator('MESSAGE', must_exist=True, eq='Hello World') The above ensure MESSAGE is available in default env and is equal to 'Hello World' `names` are a one (or more) names or patterns:: Validator('NAME') Validator('NAME', 'OTHER_NAME', 'EVEN_OTHER') Validator(r'^NAME', r'OTHER./*') The `operations` are:: eq: value == other ne: value != other gt: value > other lt: value < other gte: value >= other lte: value <= other is_type_of: isinstance(value, type) is_in: value in sequence is_not_in: value not in sequence identity: value is other `env` is which env to be checked, can be a list or default is used. `when` holds a validator and its return decides if validator runs or not:: Validator('NAME', must_exist=True, when=Validator('OTHER', eq=2)) # NAME is required only if OTHER eq to 2 # When the very first thing to be performed when passed. # if no env is passed to `when` it is inherited `must_exist` is `exists` requirement. (executed after when):: settings.exists(value) condition is a callable to be executed and return boolean:: Validator('NAME', condition=lambda x: x == 1) # it is executed before operations. """ default_messages = MappingProxyType( { "must_exist_true": "{name} is required in env {env}", "must_exist_false": "{name} cannot exists in env {env}", "condition": "{name} invalid for {function}({value}) in env {env}", "operations": ( "{name} must {operation} {op_value} " "but it is {value} in env {env}" ), } ) def __init__( self, *names, must_exist=None, condition=None, when=None, env=None, messages=None, **operations ): # Copy immutable MappingProxyType as a mutable dict self.messages = dict(self.default_messages) if messages: self.messages.update(messages) if when is not None and not isinstance(when, Validator): raise TypeError("when must be Validator instance") if condition is not None and not callable(condition): raise TypeError("condition must be callable") self.names = names self.must_exist = must_exist self.condition = condition self.when = when self.operations = operations if isinstance(env, str): self.envs = [env] elif isinstance(env, (list, tuple)): self.envs = env else: self.envs = None def __eq__(self, other): if self is other: return True identical_attrs = ( getattr(self, attr) == getattr(other, attr) for attr in ( "names", "must_exist", "when", "condition", "operations", "envs", ) ) if all(identical_attrs): return True return False
[docs] def validate(self, settings): """Raise ValidationError if invalid""" if self.envs is None: self.envs = [settings.current_env] if self.when is not None: try: # inherit env if not defined if self.when.envs is None: self.when.envs = self.envs self.when.validate(settings) except ValidationError: # if when is invalid, return canceling validation flow return # If only using current_env, skip using_env decoration (reload) if ( len(self.envs) == 1 and self.envs[0].upper() == settings.current_env.upper() ): self._validate_items(settings, settings.current_env) return for env in self.envs: self._validate_items(settings.from_env(env))
def _validate_items(self, settings, env=None): env = env or settings.current_env for name in self.names: exists = settings.exists(name) # is name required but not exists? if self.must_exist is True and not exists: raise ValidationError( self.messages["must_exist_true"].format(name=name, env=env) ) elif self.must_exist is False and exists: raise ValidationError( self.messages["must_exist_false"].format( name=name, env=env ) ) # if not exists and not required cancel validation flow if not exists: return value = settings[name] # is there a callable condition? if self.condition is not None: if not self.condition(value): raise ValidationError( self.messages["condition"].format( name=name, function=self.condition.__name__, value=value, env=env, ) ) # operations for op_name, op_value in self.operations.items(): op_function = getattr(validator_conditions, op_name) if not op_function(value, op_value): raise ValidationError( self.messages["operations"].format( name=name, operation=op_function.__name__, op_value=op_value, value=value, env=env, ) )
[docs]class ValidatorList(list): def __init__(self, settings, *args, **kwargs): super(ValidatorList, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.settings = settings
[docs] def register(self, *args): for validator in args: if validator not in self: self.append(validator)
[docs] def validate(self): for validator in self: validator.validate(self.settings)